Glass Tape

What is Glass Tape?

Glass Tape is non adhesive and is one of the most commonly used items in any fibreglass repair or build. Its versatile nature makes Glass Tape a firm favourite with our customers.

The glass tape consists of strands of glass woven together for strength. Once combined with resin, the rigid structure of the glass tape will provide reinforcement and a smoother, protected surface.

It is normally applied after the shaping and fairing of the area has been completed and before the final coating is applied.

Generally, Glass Tape is available in a 175g/m2 weight and a variety of widths and lengths in roll format. The sides of the tape are stitched to prevent fraying.

Glass tape is used to add additional reinforcement to joints or edges, for strong repairs and in boat and kayak construction.


Application of Glass Tape

As Glass Tape has no binder, it can effectively be used with any type of resin including; Polyester, Epoxy and Polyurethane.

Glass tape can be applied similarly to using fibreglass or woven roving using either a wet or dry method. Both application methods are suitable for large and small areas. However, as glass tape is so light, the dry method will be slightly easier.

Multiple pieces of glass tape can be used for larger applications. Ensure that there is an overlap of about 50mm when two joining two pieces together.


Wet Method

In the wet method, the resin is applied first.

A generous amount of resin should be applied to the area where the Glass Tape will be placed. The tape should be laid and more resin should then be applied to the tape. The resin should be worked well into the glass tape with a brush and consolidated with a paddle roller to remove trapped air pockets. This method is then repeated for subsequent layers.

Once the resin has cured, the tape can be sanded as required.


Dry Method

For wider coverage, the Dry Method will ensure easier application. If the surface area to be repaired is larger than the tape ensure multiple pieces overlap by two inches.

A small amount of the catalysed resin should be placed into the centre of the tape. With a plastic applicator, spread the mixture over the tape. A brush can also be used to ensure complete saturation and a paddle roller used to remove any trapped air pockets.

Remove any excess resin with the applicator without leaving any dry spots. Apply further coats of resin to fill the weave in the tape.

After curing, the glass tape should be sanded.


Common uses for Glass Tape

Fibreglass/GRP Flat Roofing Applications

Glass tape is used to reinforce any joints in the decking and trims on a flat roof. As the glass tape is thinner than glass bandage, it reduces the visibility of it creating a smoother finish.

Boat Building and Repair

For small areas of boat repair, glass tape is typically used for reinforcement and applied to hull seams around the edging and to further reinforce joints.

Canoes / Kayaks

Glass Tape is often used as reinforcement against areas on the canoe which will face the most abrasion. It is applied where the canoe will encounter friction against stones when coming into shore or as reinforcement down the middle of the canoe.


Where to buy Glass Tape?

At Tricel Composites, we supply a range of quality Glass Tapes in 25mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, and 150mm widths. All sizes are available in 50 metre rolls.